
Compare And Contrast River Valley Civilization

Decent Essays

Great civilizations in the past have helped lead to greater developments in the present, such as methods of art, areas of science, and systems of writing and record keeping. These ideas, practices, and creations have been carried over for thousands of years, influencing, changing, and inspiring newer generations, and even influencing modern society. Civilizations have to have certain characteristics in order for them to be successful, and the four river valley civilizations discussed during our lectures all have similarities and differences which made them unique and helped them prosper.

These civilizations all had one thing that brought their people and area together, which were the rivers located close by. The Tigris-Euphrates, Nile, Indus, and Huanghe river valley civilizations all formed because they were close to a running body of water. The rivers created a need for an irrigation system for farming, and irrigation systems in turn …show more content…

The Tigris-Euphrates civilization developed cuneiform, which is the first known case of human writing. As useful as writing is for communication, organization, and other aspects of daily life, it was still a privilege to be able to learn to read and write. Each civilization had its own symbols which had their own phonetic sound, some of which haven’t even been deciphered to this day.

Religion was a highly encouraged practice in the early river valley civilizations. Even though each civilization had their own gods and beliefs, it is interesting to see that religion was a widespread, prominent factor during the time. Civilizations paid their respects to their gods through worship, art, and even sacrifice. Cities in the Tigris-Euphrates civilization would construct shrines to please and honor their deities. The Huanghe civilization worshipped a supreme god, “Shang-Ti,” who ruled over lesser nature

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