
Compare And Contrast Rome And Han Empires

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The Rome and Han empires were two very influential empires that have their parallels as well as differences in terms of the rise, stability, and downfall. They were seen as some of the greatest empires of their time and each had their own way of getting to that spot with some similarities. The same applies to their stability. Their downfall had some very similar aspects to it such as corruption and invasions by neighboring lands as well as other factors but a very distinct fact that the Han rose again, not Rome. Their events may have their similarities but they had different methods of doing things as well.

The goal of the Han was to unify China, much like the Qin already had. This goal led to the breakup of fiefs which led to the downfall of the nobility. After this was done, a period of military expansion grew. …show more content…

They used a mix of Confucianism and legalism to regulate the people and therefore established a system of ruling by morals and ethics. In the Roman Empire, the emperor had all the power even though there were consuls and a Senate so it was an autocracy instead of a republic like it was before the Roman Empire hence the name "Roman Republic". The Roman Empire had a less complex bureaucracy than the Han that counted on the middle class and the local elites and had more emphasis on law. There was a social structure with the difference being that in Han China the lower class had no say in their government whereas the plebeians in the Roman Empire had representatives in the Senate called tribunes. Both governments built roads which linked their empires together and, on these roads, trade took place. Both the Han and Roman Empire created a more centralized government, used a bureaucracy to cover land, and were engaged in economic activity which ensured

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