
Compare And Contrast Rosa Parks And Martin Luther King Jr

Decent Essays

Not following the rules once in awhile can sometimes be beneficial. The civil rights movement inspired a plethora of individuals to revolt against the rules dictated by injustice. Oscar Wilde’s claim is true, and created a statement that is vital to the present day. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. play key roles in this argument because of their rebellion against the prejudice rules and their efficient contribution into social progression.

The 1960’s was a strenuous era for African American individuals because racisms was still very present during this time, and white citizens had plenty of advantages over black-skin individuals. Rosa Parks, a black woman, decided to take a bus to go home. During this time, it was intolerable for an American to be standing up while an African American sat, so when the bus became overcrowded the driver ordered Parks to give up her seat. Rosa was …show more content…

took part in the civil rights movement as the leader along with many individuals supporting his cause. When Luther heard of what Rosa Parks had taken part of, and what had been done to her because she refused to give up her seat to a white person he launched a boycott against Montgomery buses that kept going for an entire year until they defeated the segregation system. Luther advocated civil disobedience in whichever laws they saw unjust towards the colored citizens, and the activists would organize boycotts, strikes, and marches to establish that they were not going to subject themselves to being seen as less human beings just because of their skin color. These events were met with horrible acts of violence from the Americans such as arrests, beatings, and worse, but Luther led his followers with the mindset of not sinking to their level. Luther led his followers with dignity and discipline because it was not just highly effective, but because their refreshing and calm attitude inspired other’s to join his side in the civil rights

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