
Compare And Contrast She's The Man And Twelfth Night

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Can a play written in the 1600s be turned into a modern film, yet still share important similarities? Twelfth Night is a play written by William Shakespeare in which a female, Viola, conceals her identity and pretends to be a male, Cesario. A modern adaptation of the play is the film She's the Man in which Viola, a soccer player, disguises herself as her brother Sebastian. In the play, Viola disguises herself as Cesario in order to have a place to work and for protection as it was not acceptable to be a female traveling alone at the time. On the other hand, in the film Viola feigns that she is Sebastian in order to play soccer for the boy's team at Illyria since the Cornwall girl's soccer team has been cut. She’s the Man is a suitable representation of Twelfth Night because in both the film and the play Viola has to overcome obstacles, and Malvolio or Malcolm are overconfident.
Viola in the play as well as in the film has obstacles thrust in her way since she is a …show more content…

In the Twelfth Night, Viola faces issues because she is female, nowadays those issues are also faced. Sometimes women are seen as fragile individuals who have to depend on others. An example of this is the U.S.female soccer player, Carli Lloyd, who wrote in her book, When Nobody Was Watching, about being payed less than the U.S. male soccer team. Her complaint was that it was due to her being a female. Shakespeare’s representation of Malvolio portrays many individuals today, an example is at Tuscarora the seniors believe they are better than the freshman, because they are in a more advanced grade. Just like Malvolio thought he was better than the others since he held a higher position. Even though years have passed, the same morals and ideas play a role in modern times although they have adapted to the lifestyle of

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