
Compare And Contrast The American Political Spectrum

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The American Political Spectrum is a system used to classify the different political and social viewpoints of the American People. The system is places one on a horizontal spectrum depending on their beliefs; if one is a liberal they go on the left area of the line and if one is a conservative they go on the right area of the line- the greater they are of those two categories the farther down they go on the line. The terms “liberal” and “conservative” are derived from the ideologies of Liberalism and Conservatism, respectively, which differ greatly. The root of all the differences between liberalism and conservatism can be traced to their beliefs in human nature. Human nature is the behavior of humans in their rawest state, with no interference …show more content…

The incredibly important English philosopher, John Locke (1632-1704), believed the state of human nature was good. He created the social contract in which a government would have to do its duty for the people, not the other way around. This is an idea embedded into the founding fathers of our nation, and into the culture of our nation. The German philosopher, Karl Marx, who had absolutely nothing to do with foundation of our nation, while never necessarily having a set philosophy on human nature, in his Theory of Alienation per Frostburg State University, believed “Where armies of hired operatives perform monotonous and closely supervised tasks, workers have essentially lost control over the process of production, over the products which they produce, and over the relationships they have with each other. As a consequence they have become estranged from their very human nature, which Marx understood to be free and productive activity”, which implied humans at their root to be free and productive- not necessarily the terrible people Hobbes believed humans to be. Conservative’s belief in human nature is the basis for the rest of their beliefs. Their skepticism in rapid change from their morals is what leads them to be wary of large government and social leniency. In a quote from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Conservatives are, “...sceptical of large-scale constitutional, …show more content…

My liberal side says to give open up the US to refugees. They’re human and deserve to live a life where they do not have to worry about having their family caught in a crossfire between drug lords or sides of a revolution, and keeping millions innocent people out a nation seems wrong. However, the actual logistics and handling of the refugees would be very elaborate. The whole process would be incredibly difficult to carry out, and there would always be the “threat” of one of the refugees being a terrorist. Due to the current tension between the United States and the terrorist groups of the Middle East, I wouldn’t keep allow refugees from the region. As much as it hurts me to keep an entire group of innocent victims in such a situation, the American Public would be opposed to it and I do not have the time, knowledge, or money to create a system for allowing refugees from the Middle East to take refuge in the US- despite what I believe. Luckily, I am not the President or Secretary of State, and the handling of Syrian refugees and other refugees from the Middle East is Germany’s issue. Gun Control is also a difficult topic in a American Politics, but because I strongly believe it should be a lot harder to get semi automatic machine guns, it is not nearly as hard to talk about as the handling of

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