
Compare And Contrast The Cold War

Decent Essays

Comparing and Contrasting the Cold War Presidents
Have you ever asked yourself about how Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy dealt with Cold War issues? Well if you have this is how they dealt with them, Truman wanted to “help Greece and Turkey by supplying them with economic and financial aid” so he said in his speech (Truman 1). Eisenhower wanted to secure and protect the territorial integrity, of political independence of nations needing aid (Eisenhower 3). Eisenhower, Truman and kennedy all used containment which is to keep something from spreading, Kennedy just used it in a different way (Eisenhower 1) (Truman 1) (Kennedy 3). “We’re determined to defend frontiers for freedom, by peace, if not by arms if they are used against us” said Kennedy in his speech (Kennedy 3). So this explains that all three presidents are trying to stop communism which is when everything is owned by the government (Ayers 623). All three of these presidents also used the marshall plan. As Truman and Eisenhower dealt with Cold War issues using containment, Kennedy used flexible response. Flexible response is using military aid only when used against us (Kennedy 1).
First of all Truman used containment to try and stop communism during his presidency. Truman also helped Turkey and Greece with financial and …show more content…

In Kennedy’s speech he says “Diplomacy and defense are not substitutes for each other” which this means stressed negotiation and Kennedy talks a lot about negotiation (Kennedy 2). There is nothing to fear from negotiation as also nothing to gain while refusing to be apart of (Kennedy 2). Kennedy said that as well as “We aren’t warmongers or appeasers, nor are we hard nor are we soft” (Kennedy 3). A part of Kennedy’s use of flexible response was that he’s determined to defend frontiers for freedom by peace and if that doesn’t work then by arms (Kennedy

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