
Compare And Contrast The Miller's Tale And The Canterbury Tales

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In class, we were provided with the book Canterbury Tales, which was a very compelling story full of characters that seemed to give off their own individual charm. This made them especially memorable. Most of the tales found in this unique novel were either vulgar such as the Miller's Tale, wretched akin to the Wife of Bath's Tale, or downright disgusting as in the Cook's Tales. Reading further into this carefully woven collection of tales, two tales in particular that managed to stand out. One tale is a sweeping epic, simply known as the Knight's Tale while the other was akin to an Arthurian romance called the Clerk's Tale. I began to realize that both of those tales had some similarities between them. One similarity was that a certain man of higher social class who fell in love for an elegant and beautiful lady who either shares the same social class as the lover or is in the lowest social class. Analyzing the tales further, it can be noticed that there were many differences that clashed between the tales. For example, in the Knight's Tale, there were …show more content…

One trope that was the same between both tales was a trope called earn your happy ending and it means that a specific character such as Palamon or Griselda go through a lot more hardship, anguish and grief than is really necessary but in the end, however, you see them get their happy ending. Why I say this is that both characters had to go through hardships such as Palamon being forced to fight his former friend in an arena and Griselda being forced to hand over her two kids to her husband who then divorces her until the end of the story. A motif that was present only in the knight’s tale was that the three main characters each represented a roman god such as Arcite representing the roman god of war mars, Palamon representing Venus, the god of love while Emily represented Diana, goddess of

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