
Compare And Contrast The Two Houses Of Congress

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The legislative branch of the U.S. is one of the most important parts of the U.S. government, and this means that the Framers had to be thorough when describing it, and it also means that the actions of Congress have a major impact on your daily life, whether it is through laws or simply not passing laws even. When the Framers of the Constitution were detailing the legislative branch, they looked at previous governments that hey had experienced and examined what had worked and failed in those previous governments: these included the House of Burgesses, Articles of Confederation, and the British Parliament. A prime example of this would be the inclusion of the power to tax in Article I of the Constitution, which is where the Legislative branch is detailed: previously, the Articles of Confederation had failed …show more content…

Congress is divided into two houses, making it a bicameral legislature, which was also the result of their experiences with the states and originates from the British Parliament, which was also bicameral with an upper and lower house; these two houses share many similarities, but they also have many differences, and these all have an impact on Congress and, in turn, our lives. The two houses of Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate, have varying qualification requirements to be members, but they each have requirements based on age, length of citizenship in the U.S., and residency in the state that a member is representing; this last requirement is the only one of the three that is identically shared between them, and it exists to prevent representatives from favoring where they live over the state they are presenting by forcing them to be the same state; this also makes meeting with constituents more convenient and, even if it is limited, forces members to experience what it is like in the state they are representing, which is valuable to be able to make well-informed decisions that benefit the

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