
Compare And Contrast Tocqueville And Putnam

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Tocqueville and Putnam The works of Alexis de Tocqueville have been tested by time, and as we have begun the 21st century, a variety of his ideas have fallen by the wayside as the evolution of American life has left them irrelevant; however, many observations laid out in “Democracy in America”, have proven to hold true to this day. Of these theories authored by Tocqueville, the common theme of individualism allows for the examination of ideas that have retained their relevance, as well as ideas that now hold only historical purposes. Tocqueville’s idea that individualism can be combatted by the doctrine of self-interest rightly understood is relevant today and is supported by Robert Putnam’s discussion on social capital and individual health; while his idea that the newspaper is an effective tool to combat individualism is no longer relevant in today’s society, as discussed in Putnam’s piece on technology and mass media. Tocqueville reintroduces the idea of …show more content…

Putnam states, “As late as 1975 Americans nationwide chose among a handful of television programs. Barely a quarter century later, cable, satellite, video, and the Internet provide an exploding array of individual choice. Second, electronic technology allows us to consume this hand-tailored entertainment in private, even utterly alone” (Putnam, 217). Putnam summarizes the transition of the news as a tool to fight individualism, into an outlet of individualism nicely. While at one point members of society received the same news at the same time; today’s citizens read their self-tailored news, when it is most convenient for them, thus eliminating the unifying factor. Tocqueville’s argument that once held water has now become important only in a historical context due to this

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