
Compare And Contrast War Is Kind And A Mystery Of Heroism

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Pain, violence, blood, and suffering, are all descriptions of war. Stephen Crane is known for his various works that use the use of sarcasm and symbolism. Many of his works were about wars his poem “War is Kind” and “ A Mystery of Heroism” are very similar yet very different at the same time. Stephen Crane uses irony in the poem “ War is Kind” and the short story “A Mystery of Heroism” to prove to the readers that he is opposed to the war by showing his negative view on the war by ironically stating war is a positive thing. He also tries to show the readers the effect the war has on the soldiers families.
Crane sarcastically states that war is a good thing by continually saying “War is Kind” war itself can never be good. People lose their lives fighting for what they believe in fighting for what …show more content…

I wisht I had a drink. Ain’t there any water round here?” Then somebody yelled, “There goes th’ bugler!’” he is showing the readers that the soldiers go through a lot, they can only do one thing at a time. They’re fighting for their country, they chose to fight instead of getting a drink of water or eating. They go through so much they deal with getting shot at, going into battle with no food ect. Their families go through a lot also . The families have to deal with the thought that their family member is out fighting on a dangerous battle field. Fending for their lives for our country. Cran states “A lieutenant of the battery rode down and passed them, holding his right arm carefully in his left hand.” The lieutenant was wounded in battle.. Families see their loved ones coming home with PTSD or even not alive at all. That really takes a toll on the family.“Mother whose heart hung humble as a button On the bright splendid shroud of your son, Do not weep. War is kind.” he sarcastically states that war is kind and for mother to not weep yet the fact that their child is going to battle. It’s hard not to be upset or

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