
Comparison Of Heroism In 'The Hero With A Thousand Faces'

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In “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”, the author explores a variety of myths and elucidates the fundamental structure that most of them share. In most cases, the heroes adopt the true picture of heroism, where the heroic personalities make painful personal sacrifices in order to save situations that are dear to them. In addition, most heroic figure appears humbled by the respect accorded to them by the society and always acts in a selfless manner to defend the society. However, there are a few instances when the heroes assume a status way above average humans and using that status to hoard all the social benefits for themselves. This is the argument that Joseph Campbell puts forward regarding Minotaur, the tyrant monster. According to literature, Minotaur was a monster that had quite intimidating body, half of it man and half of it a bull. The monster basically personified ego unlike typical monsters that showed humility and self annihilation. The only food that the monster ate was human flesh and none of the strongest heroes would dare challenge him. It is the reason why fourteen children would be sent to it every year from Greece to the Island of Crete, where it lived. The people believed that this was the only way to prevent the society from experiencing some of the worst calamities.
Campbell’s argument that Minotaur was a typical tyrant monster is very true. His story correlates with that of Sherlock in the Merchant of Venice. In this story, Sherlock appeared to be using

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