
Compare And Contrast Why And Thirteen Reasons Why

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Suicide is the leading cause of death for people ages 10-24. More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, combined. Phoebe Prince and Hannah Baker are both apart of those devastating statistics. Hannah Baker is a character in Jay Asher’s book Thirteen Reasons Why whereas, Phoebe Prince is a girl from South Hadley, Massachusetts. These two girls’ stories are very much alike, but there are also very different. Phoebe Prince is a girl who moved from Ireland to South Hadley, Massachusetts. Phoebe was a new student at her high school and was having a hard time fitting in there because of the other students bulling her. One of her friends knew about the bulling and Phoebe also told her family who notified the school and yet, they did nothing about it. The unpleasant students continued bulling her and “labeled” her. The “label” she acquired, “allowed” the other students to continue to make fun of and bully her. With the bullying getting worse, Phoebe felt that she …show more content…

Both Hannah and Phoebe are new students at their schools and started off very well with some friends, and then things start going sour. They are both given a “bad reputation” and because of their label, students believe they can do things to Phoebe and Hannah with no problem, and without feeling guilty. They both feel the same way about how they were treated. They are bullied atrociously and feel like they cannot do anything more about it so they both decide that killing themselves would be the best thing that could happen for them. All of the students that bullied either Hannah or Phoebe are sentenced to life long guilt. They all are shown how much it hurt Hannah or Phoebe. Others are also shown how much it hurt them and now these students are left with the feeling of practically killing another

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