
Compare And Contrast Zhou And Shang Dynasty

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The Zhou Dynasty followed the Shang Dynasty and it was the longest dynasty in China. It ruled for 798 years. The Zhou Dynasty was divided into two periods, first the Western Zhou and then the Eastern Zhou. The Zhou Dynasty system was base on the feudal which means that different parts of the land were ruled by the Zhou king’s relatives. The Zhou people were Chinese people who moved to the lower Wei River valley and for many years both the Zhou and Shang coexisted. After years passed the Shang people were upset with the Shang king which even the Shang soldiers joined King Wu’s side. The Shang king was defeated, he left to his palace where he committed suicide but before that he locked himself and set the place on fire. The Zhou king explained …show more content…

Years later when King Wu was at Haojing he died young which his son Cheng became the ruler of Zhou. The eastern plain of China wasn’t really under control of the Zhou so when King Wu died, and king Cheng was the new ruler, Wu’s brother, Duke of Zhou, took control of the Zhou while King Cheng grew up to be an adult. While the Duke of Zhou went to the role of the ruler, Wu’s brothers joined the Shang heir to defeat the Zhou, but it, down quickly. The Zhou people were afraid that the Duke of Zhou wouldn’t give the throne to King Cheng once he becomes an adult. The Duke of Zhou made plans to have the Yellow River plain under his control which he did but in the process, he destroyed small states and he created administrative units. When the Duke of Zhou accomplished all that, he had a great power, but it wasn’t hard for the Duke of Zhou to give his powers to his nephew. He just lectured his nephew on how to be a ruler and from that day on King Cheng ruled effectively. The Zhou Dynasty is more famous for their bronze work even though they introduced iron. When it comes to religion the Zhou were different than the Shang Dynasty. The Zhou was more unreal and

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