
Compare How To Dehatch And Aerate A Lawn

Decent Essays

How To Dethatch & Aerate A Lawn

Tools needed:

Garden hose, wooden matchsticks, iron rake, thatch rake, dethatching machine, garden fork, hand or machine aerator and leaf rake.

The lawn must be dethatched if the thatch is more than 1/2" thick and compacted. To assess the level of compaction of the soil, water the lawn and note how quickly the water is absorbed in various areas of the lawn. The soil is compacted if the water does not absorb quickly. If a wooden matchstick cannot be easily inserted into the soil, then it is compacted.

If the lawn needs to be dethatched, use an iron rake or thatch rake to cut through and rake off thatch. Rent a walk behind dethatching machine for larger lawns. Dethatching should only be done in the fall. …show more content…

Use an aerator for larger areas to spike the lawn holes. Aerating is easier to do when the soil is wet. Rent aerating equipment at your local rental outlet.

In sandy soil and small areas, a garden fork will create holes in the lawn. However, for severely compacted soil, the fork must be inserted into the ground 3-4" deep and moved back and forth to create larger holes. A hollow-tine fork will pop out multiple plugs of sod and soil at one time. Use a gas-powered plugging aerator to create larger holes in medium to large areas of severely compacted soil.

NOTE: Professional services will take care of all your lawn care needs. Look for a local contractor to hire if you didn't want to do it

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