Throughout the decades, artificial turf has evolved into a very realistic and technologically advanced alternative to real grass. However, it is safe to say that synthetic turf products were not always this way. Like most widely adopted modern products, much research and new developments happened in order to lead to the impressive synthetic grass products that are available to consumers today. Though the artificial grass industry has come a long way, it is important to note its developments and history. Though newer synthetic grass is very much unlike its predecessors, some may not realize the difference. AstroTurf, the pioneering grass-like surface, was created in the 1960's. This early synthetic grass was a short pile grass that was made from PVC-like material. This tended to have a very spiky and plastic-like feel, as well as a shinier and lighter appearance. In comparison to new artificial grass, old AstroTurf from decades ago was not as soft and less similar to natural grass. It did not have many of the functional attributes available in modern synthetic turf, such as infill and a highly effective drainage system. Artificial turf has since undergone several changes to make it more durable, realistic, and functional for several different uses. The use of infill has changed the way …show more content…
Thus, it manually drains itself and requires no extra effort when coming into contact with liquid. Modern turf backing is highly perforated, ensuring that drainage is quick and effective. With such an innovative system, artificial turf does not collect water, decreasing bug infestation, bacteria, and spores. It is evident that the evolution of artificial turf has taken strides to be the industry that it is today. Modern synthetic grass is the ultimate in technologically advanced lawn systems that require minimal maintenance, and are equipped with impressive
"Although a number of years have passed since the synthetic field was installed for the St. Louis Rams, companies and organizations can still learn from the experience this team has had. The Hydraway Field Drainage Solutions have worked exactly as intended and the team is pleased with the results. Contact Hydraway to learn how we can be of assistance to you with your drainage needs. We'll work to find the solution that is right for you, just as we did for the St. Louis Rams," Fromme
Before the time of the lawn mower, there was grass and sheep, and the sheep ate the grass. The grass was short, but the process wasn’t very efficient. For places, such as Utah, this was fine, but in more settled areas this lack of a lawn mower caused a problem for landowners.
Green and Clean inc. is a lawn care corporation headquartered at 11 Seventh Street, Pelham, NY 10803 in a 100 square foot office. We offer a series of lawn development and upkeep programs devoting attentions to every aspect of turf grass culture. These include lawn maintenance, landscaping, composting, lawn aeration, irrigation services, water saving programs, spot re-seeding, total lawn renovation, soil testing, disease control, de-thatching, grub control, and lime application. All our products and services are positioned at the high end of the market in terms quality, and the mid to small scale end in terms of size and price. What sets us apart from other businesses is we are 100% customer service oriented. Green and Clean inc. will
Smooth brome is an introduced cool-season rhizomatous perennial grass known to invade throughout northern Great Plains. During the spring of 2013, we implemented an experimental study at the smooth brome invaded mixed grass prairie site of eastern South Dakota to evaluate mowing as an effective management tool for controlling smooth brome. Unlike earlier studies, our research focused on exploring the response of smooth brome below ground bud bank size, composition, and tiller establishment under different mowing frequency. Experiments were conducted using four specific types of treatment- Control (no mowing),
Have you ever woken up on a beautiful Sunday morning only to find that your yard has grown completely out of control? Well don’t fret, this paper will guide you through the steps required to have your lawn look like you’ve been mowing your whole life. Having the skills to conquer any yard will make you a star in the field of landscaping worldwide. By mastering the strategies contained within these lines you, too, can be the Master of the Yard. The key sections of a good mow job are, preparing the equipment, the cutting of the grass, and inspection and clean-up. Let’s take a look at how to first prepare your mower for the task at hand.
According to Stuart Chase in rich land poor land “grass is what counts, grass is what holds the earth together.” There were a lot of new farming inventions created in the 1930’s but with these came a price to pay. This was partly the cause of overplowing but this also damaged the grass and tore it apart. This eventually led to the stuff above the grass to break up and become loose. After everything breaking up the wind would catch it and cause a dust storm just like the overplowing caused dust storms.
On September 21st, Christine Brennan reported Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand while the national anthem was being played in National Public Radio’s (NPR) online portal ( All through the National Football League 's preseason matches, Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, refused to stand for the national anthem. He clarified that he took this stance to point out what he sees as wrongdoings against African-Americans and different minorities, especially with regards to certain atrocities in police activities. Kaepernick has stated he is showing support for the Black Lives Matter movement, which was sparked by a number of police killing innocent black people. When addressed by journalists after the first occasion when he did not stand for the national anthem, Kaepernick stated that, “he would not show respect or pride in a flag for a country that continues to oppress African Americans and people of color.” He added that this was much bigger than any game and that it would be selfish on his part to look away. He also claims that there were bodies lying on the streets and people were getting away with murder. I don’t think Brennan understands why he chose not to stand fully. I think this also could have led to more attacks from other writers and reporters that have been inform of his true reasoning. I do not think he was disrespecting the flag or people that fight for it, but just making a stance to get
Recently, the use of lawn pesticides and chemicals has grown enormously with home owners and golf course management in hope of attaining "the perfect turf." However, the negative effects that are associated with attaining ones "dream turf" is primarily caused by the direct use of pesticides and chemicals. The chemical pesticide industry fails to address these issues and has made every effort to keep this information from the public.
Both authors explains “The erosion control effectiveness of turfgrass is the combined result of a high shoot density and root mass for surface soil stabilization, plus a high biomass matrix that provides resistance to lateral surface water flow, thus slowing otherwise potentially erosive water velocities. Therefore, perennial turfgrasses offer one of the most cost-efficient methods to control water and wind erosion of soil. Such control is very important in eliminating dust and mud problems around homes, factories, schools, and
Before the drastic events of the dust bowl, white settlers, lured in by extremely inexpensive land, arrived to have lives as farmers. However, to obtain this land Native Americans were forced off of their own land, leaving millions of acres with thick prairie grass. This seemingly indestructible grass could survive lightning strikes, harsh winters, blazing summers, and the most anhydrous droughts. Sadly, when the settlers arrived, the destruction and removal of the grass from the vast plains began. To accomplish such a feat, farmers used axes, sharp blade plows, and some farmers even used their bare hands. In only two decades, millions of acres of prairie grass was completely obliterated, just for wheat to replace it. Thankfully for the farmers, the wheat was fruitful, for plentiful rain ensued the planting of the wheat. At this time, humans destroyed the prairie grass.
Exmark is an independent manufacturer of professional turf care equipment that opened in May of 1982. Today, it is the leading manufacturer of commercial mowers for the landscape professional. In addition to designing, building and marketing quality turf care equipment, Exmark's goal is total customer satisfaction. All Exmark mowers, from walk-behinds to zero-turn riders and out-fronts, are designed to help customers increase productivity while delivering unmatched cut quality. Products are sold to distributors and dealers across the country and world. In 2015 Exmark made an advertising and marketing plan, and it was perfect for the company.
Sir Walter Turf is the ideal lawn solution for anyone. It even comes with a Certificate of Authenticity, which guarantees that you are receiving a premium-quality natural turf solution for your property.
Washington’s coach, Tom Brown, states, “It makes us look even quicker. The turf gives you a lot more traction, and some of our kids fly”. Think about it, regular grass doesn’t give you the ability to fly, but turf does! Finally, according to, they say that “Turf eliminates yellow and brown grass stains found in organic soil, it provides a clean backyard, keeps the house free of tracked in dirt and mud, and reduces water use by lawns up to 70%”. In my thinking, installing turf in fields is way better than getting dirty, regular
Turf is the conventional surface—which most South African football fields employ—but dirt tracks are also sought-after locations. Synthetic surfaces are used at a number of race courses as well, particularly in the UK, which is also known as all-weather tracks.
The landscape of your educational institution’s grounds is an integral part of everyday life on campus.Your students shelter in the shadow of its trees. The shrubbery and hedges border the confines of the lawns and sidewalks where they will think the thoughts, compose ideas, and create the memories that last a lifetime. Managing all of that can be a costly and time consuming endeavor, and there are many considerations you need to make, especially if your campus experiences all four changes of season every year.