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    efforts for composting benefit me greatly because I can use this finished material to improve my soil texture, the soil's ability to hold water, and as a fertilizer. Composting is a biological process for converting organic solid wastes into a stable humus like product. Within a compost pile, microorganisms attack organic substance, breaking it down and producing rich organic matter (Golueke,13). For this to occur, several things need to take place, two of

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  • Decent Essays

    more suitable to apply to the soil as a fertilizing resource. Aerobic composting occurs in the presence of abundant oxygen. In this procedure, aerobic microorganisms decompose natural matter and generate carbon dioxide, ammonia, water, heat and humus, the approximately stable organic finished product. 4Although aerobic composting may create intermediate complexes, for example, organic acids, aerobic micro-organisms

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    371). Jordahl and Karlen (1993) observed that the soil on a conventional Iowa farm had significantly less silt and clay than a similar soil from an adjacent organic farm, suggesting that the fine materials had been eroded away (p. 29). The high humus levels are responsible for the erosion resistance documented on organic farms. High levels of organic matter increases aggregate stability, which prevents erosion, allows for easier water and mechanical (such as plow and root) penetration, and better

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  • Good Essays

    nourishment from chemicals in solution by the German scientist called Justus von Liebig led to a decrease in the use of compost and an increase in the use of chemical fertilizers. Before this, it was believed that all plants absorbed nutrients directly from humus. This discovery led people to think that all was necessary to aid plant growth were the addition of chemical solutions. Despite this, in recent years the composting movement has regained its momentum due a vast array of factors such as the growing

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    Compost Essay

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    porosity and the ability to work it which is known as friability. It also increases water penetration and exchange of gases. It reduces compaction and improves the soil texture. The improved quality of the soil is mostly due to the humus content of the compost. Humus is derived from organic matter decomposition and acts like a glue that holds together soil particles improving the soil’s ability to hold moisture. The increase and water holding capacity provides greater drought resistance and more

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Good Essays

    2.3 Results and discussion 2.3.1 Physicochemical properties of soils Soil properties are shown in Table 2.1. These soils had a loamy texture with different contents of clay, sand and silt. pH values ranged from 4.45 to 7.73. TC was in the range of 1.6 to 8.37 % without significant amounts of TN and TS detected. TOC varied between 1.48 and 8.37% whilst DOC showed a wide range from 106 to 400 mg kg-1. CEC values ranged from 2.9 to 17.9 cmol kg-1. Concentrations of Fe oxide, Al oxide, and Mn oxide were

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  • Good Essays

    A soil ecosystem is composed of both living and non-living matter with a diversity of interactions (The Environmental Literacy Council, N.d.). This is a place where energy and matter are transformed and transported. Analyses that can be used to assess the functioning of land ecosystems is abiotic indicators, biological indicators, and atmospheric indicators. Abiotic indicators can include pH, moisture,and temperature. Soil temperature and moisture are important environmental factors that affect the

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Slater Investigation Report on the distribution of slaters in different level of soil pH Introduction There are many different shades of grey, that slaters come in. They range from light to dark shades of grey; through when they are speckled or spotted their colours are usually green and yellow. Slaters vary in colour and pattern between individual, in the same species. Slaters in New Zealand range from 17mm in length to 2cm. Their bodies are divided into three sections: head, thorax and abdomen

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  • Best Essays

    Microbial Analysis of Soil

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    Microbial analysis of soil, of top layer from selected sites of Area near Dahisar River Saika N. Esani University of Mumbai (Email – Abstract: soil samples were collected fortnightly from area near Dahisar River, A river in suburb of Mumbai. laboratory analysis started from July 2010 to September 2010. Total bacterial and fungal count were estimated by standard spread plate isolation. Isolated bacteria were subject to colony characterization and were estimated by their

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    The effect of salt concentration on grass growth Abstract Our aim was to test the effect of different salinities on the growth of plants which what we did was measured different amounts of salt dissolved into 2 litres of water, watered the plant once with the salt water then for 9 days with pure ware. I found with my investigation that the less the salt, the more the growth of the plant. My aim was achieved by measuring the 5 fastest geminating (out of 20) and to measure the differences in growth

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