
Compare Julius Caesar And Abraham Lincoln

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When humanity thinks of Julius Caesar most of them do not compare him with another great leader, Abraham Lincoln. Or when people think of Abraham Lincoln, they don’t often compare him to Julius Caesar. These two men may be the unlikeliest people to be compared together, but the thing is they have many significant similarities to each other. They may have been born in two different time periods, but the effects of their lives are still affecting individuals and countries today. Some of their similarities include both had a great impact on their country, both of them change the world, and people still look up to them to this day.
Julius Caesar is considered one of the influential individuals in the rise of the Roman Empire because of the way he helped its economy. Long before Julius Caesar became an absolute ruler and subsequently murdered, the Roman Republic had entered a state of rapid decline. As Caesar gained power, he brought many new reforms with him. He built new public buildings because he wanted Rome to become a center of beauty. He also wanted Rome to become a center of trade and attraction like that of the city of Alexandria in Egypt. Which at that time was considered the greatest municipality in the Mediterranean (Fife, 2012). The terms Tzar and Kaiser derive from Caesar's name which is a way that Russia along with Germany still look up to Caesar's influence. Caesar also introduced a new system which was called the

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