
Compare Schools To Prisons

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Compare schools to prisons, in all truth there is not much difference. Picture yourself walking through a school where the students look the same, the same bland uniform and the same miserable faces. It is accurate to say that schools in Britain are morphing into jails and pupils are being stripped of their identity, before even getting to the age of five.
The point of schools is to teach children and teenagers how to ‘strive to be the best they can be’ but tell me this how can they be the best when they can’t even be themselves? Children are told every single week day to completely ignore who they are and to blend in with everyone else, it’s appalling. School uniforms are not good for pupil learning as it discourages them to have their own personality and style. According to the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada ‘ allowing students to choose their own clothing is an empowering message from the schools that a student is a maturing person who is entitled to the basic self-determination.’ This point was argued in a court case when a boy refused to cut his hair shorter, to what extent are schools willing to go with school uniforms and regulations? To a point where long hair is not allowed? Or to a point where self expression is forbidden all together?
Although parents and teachers believe school uniforms are good for pupils, pupils themselves disagree. Study shows that students dislike wearing the identical style of clothing every day to school, it is boring and

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