
Comparing Brookchin's Social Ecology And Biocentric Approach

Decent Essays

Deep ecology is used to describe different environmental philosophies. Deep ecology is similar to biocentric because it also believes that the flourishing of human and nonhuman life on earth has intrinsic value. In addition, deep ecology sees that the diversity of life forms have value also. Deep ecology and biocentric is very similar. Brookchin’s Social Ecology The biocentric view believes that humans are not superior to animals. That they are on the same hierarchy level and that we are all a part of this integrative system. The biocentric view also believes that nature wasn’t just intended to be consumed by individuals. Brookchin’s social ecology is concerned with hierarchy. Brookchin looks at groups of people such as men over women and young over old or mind over body. He looks at the belief that one holds power over the other in society. Since he thinks that eventually most hierarchy societies will dominate so he want to get rid of all social hierarchies. Brookchin relates to biocentrism by the way that he views each member of society has value. He also believes that humans aren’t the ones that are ruining the environment but the social hierarchies. However, biocentrism is nature based not …show more content…

Once the whole world can adopt this attitude, treating living and nonliving things as if it possesses this immense amount of worth, treating them become easier. In the video, Food Inc. The chickens were just throw out once they died and they didn’t think twice about it. The cows were harmed and were used as a tool for humans. If we adopt this way of thinking, we will think twice about our actions. There will be many obstacles. However, slowly change can be made. For example, the sale of organic food is one of the fastest growing sectors of the food industry. This demonstrates that humans are slowly seeing the inherent value in animals and the

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