
Comparing Enuma Elish And Genesis

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Enuma Elish and Genesis have the strongest connection in their first lines--"In the beginning" vs. "When on high," because both Marduk and God essentially speak things into existence- however in different ways. The Enuma Elish starts with Apsu who represents fresh water and Tiamat who represents salt water, the father and mother of the gods respectively. Apsu wants to kill his children due to the noise they bring. While Tiamat attempts to protect them, their son Ea, chief of the gods, kills Apsu in his sleep. Tiamat seeks revenge and Marduk, the son of Ea is chosen to fight against Tiamat and Kingu. Marduk fights Tiamat and kills her. Then Marduk cuts the body of Tiamat in half, one half is used to create the heavens, and the other half is the earth. He then creates the stars and assigns the gods to regulate the cosmos. The gods soon complain of fatigue therefore Marduk uses the slain blood of Kingu to create humans to do the work the gods don't want to do. …show more content…

This is very different from Genesis as God created the world out of nothing. In Enuma Elish, the struggle between good and evil is a main theme in the story. However the Genesis story is more peaceful. The Genesis story emphasizes the idea of goodness. Every time that He creates something new, God admires how “good it was” . When His work is completely finished at the end of the third day, “God looked at everything he made, and he found it very good” . In contrast to the Enuma Elish, everything that he creates comes from something

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