
Comparing Genesis And The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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While the book of Genesis in the bible and The Epic of Gilgamesh have striking similarities in the sense of creation and the great flood, the interactions between the divine beings and humans differ greatly. One matter that impacts the entire relationship between gods and humans in both accounts is that the gods in the epic are not almighty beings like God in Genesis since they cannot control each other’s domains. Because of this, they must travel from place to place and work with other gods to carry out a certain task. The gods in The Epic of Gilgamesh were very much like humans and interacted more with them in daily life. In contrast, the all-powerful god in Genesis seems distant and far from having human-like characteristics and does not need to interact with other gods. At the same time, both stories display the reverence and fear humans have for the supreme beings because of their authoritative qualities. In both stories, the gods are respected and feared in some way, but this was not always the case. To enforce His authority over all living creatures, the god in Genesis “saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,” so He created a flood to rid the world of the evil that He created (King James Version, Gen. 6.5). However, not all humans were wicked; He spared Noah and his family because he remained so devoted to God, then later made a promise that “waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh” (Gen. 9.15). Likewise in The Epic of Gilgamesh, the

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