
Comparing Lemming And Biome

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A lemming is and small rodent animal that lives in the arctic. And the biome called the tundra that is usually up north. The tundra is biome when it is cold, snowy, and dry. Plant life in the tundra is cold. They have a variety of plants there, they have bearberry, Caribou moss, Diamond leaf willow, Labrador Tea, Pasque Flower. Most animals that live in the tundra eats these plants to gain and use energy and season to stay warm. The tundra is a very cold place to be the temperatures start from 20 to 10 Fahrenheit so in Celsius that would be -6 to -12. And also during the summer time the have 50 to 60 of summer growing when the sun shines everyday 24 hours a day. Lemmings do not hibernate through the winter time. They keep on find food so they

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