
Comparing Marriage Proposals In Pride And Prejudice And Our Mutual Friend

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Marriage Proposals
A marriage proposal is an occasion where one person in a relationship asks for the other's hand in marriage. Overtime, marriage proposals have changed in virtually all cultures. In the 1800s, marriage was more for social gain or monetary gain. However, marriage for love wasn’t unknown. William Collins proposal to Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice and Bradley Headstone’s proposal to Lizzie Hexam in Charles Dickens's’ Our Mutual Friend are perfect examples of two different types of marriage proposals that may have been giving during the 1800s. Analyzing Mr. Headstones and Mr. Collins’ techniques and the language used in their proposals reveal the weaknesses and strengths of their proposals.
Mr. …show more content…

Collins in his marriage proposal is more direct and straightforward while Mr. Headstone is more sincere. Mr. Collin starts off his marriage proposal by being logical and giving reasons why he is interested in marrying Mr. Collins. Mr. Collins doesn’t mention his love or her value to him. In fact, Mr. Collins mostly speaks about another woman, his sponsor, Mrs. De Bourghs. To discuss another women during a proposal is not flattering. Mr. Collins reveals that he only wishes to marry due to Mrs. De Bourgh’s “recommendation” that he get married. Marriage proposals only should focus on the person you are proposing. Not only did Mr. Collins include another person in his proposal, he talks about her power and influence over him. He admits the type of women is one that is a “gentle women for [Mrs. De Bourghs’] sake.” His focus on Bourghs needs and desires in his proposal suggests his lack of passion and regard for Ms. Bennet and would only appeal to a woman with only practical concerns.Thus Mr. Collins direct, passionless approach and his mention of Mrs. De Bourghs creates a more logic based and dull proposal. However, Mr. Headstone discusses Ms. Hexam’s value and the power she has over him. His initial statement of “I love you” crescendos through his proposal. Also, he later states that she “draw [him] to anything.” Mr. Headstone reveals that his love for her can cause him to do anything she wants, even if it means going to the”gallows.” Thus, Mr. Headstone creates a much more emotion based proposal. In the end, Mr. Collin’s direct approach which lacked pizzazz, passion and emotion created a less effective marriage proposal. Ultimately, Mr. Headstone’s expression of his emotions and love, his connection to her and his sincere approach allowed him to create a more effective marriage

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