
Comparing Mending Wall, Sonnet 55, And The Charge Of The Light Brigade

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The poems “Mending Wall”, “Sonnet 55”, “At Woodward's Gardens”, and “The Charge of the Light Brigade” all have a plot to them. Some definitely have more of a plot than others, one example that has a huge plot to it is “At Woodward’s Gardens”. You can really see the plot in this poem because it acts sort-of like a short story. The boy is taunting and hurting the monkey, then the monkeys take it from him, then they keep it. That is the basic plot for that poem. Mending wall has it’s own unique plot to it. In “Mending Wall” (A Blank verse) the plot is how two neighbours have to repair their stone wall that separates their two properties every year. “The Wall” had been destroyed by winter freezing because the Ice filled that gaps and then when …show more content…

At the beginning of the poem the story starts by talking about a boy that is at a zoo and he has a magnifying glass and he is seeing what it can do to the monkeys. He ends up burning the monkeys with his magnifying glass because the glass centralizes the sun’s rays on a single point this happens because when then you use it on a piece of paper you see that it makes the words bigger because on your side of the glass the glass is slightly bent outward because then the glass spreads out the light from the other side making it magnified. So when it is turned around the light get concentrated and then because the UV rays are getting concentrated, it heats up the point causing it to burn the surface. The monkeys don’t like this so they when the boy is not really paying attention to the monkeys they take the magnifying glass from him. After the monkeys take the device from him they try to figure out how it works, but when they can’t figure out how it works they break it and put it in the back of their cage for further investigation when they get bored. The plot summary is that the boy was at a zoo, was messing with the monkeys and got his tool taken away. The monkeys tried to figure out what is and how it works, when they can’t figure out how it works they break the lens and put it in the back of their cage under a pile of

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