
Comparing Odysseus And The Cyclops In Book Nine Of The Odyssey

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Book Nine of The Odyssey tells of the encounter between Odysseus and the Cyclops. Homer portrays revenge through violent measures in Odysseus deceiving and blinding the Cyclops. He deceived Polyphemus (one of the Cyclopes) by lying to him and inebriating him. This is revenge for the Cyclops not being hospitable as was customary in the times by eating Odysseus’s men. “I’ll eat the others first! That’s my gift to you!” exclaimed Polyphemus as his form of “hospitality”. Odysseus used a fiery stake and “bored it round in the giant’s eye”. But many may argue that Homer was portraying the theme of justice rather than revenge. There is a blurred line between justice and revenge and it is up to interpretation. It is up for interpretation because

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