
Comparing Reality In Richard III And Hamlet

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Shakespeare uses the prominent appearance versus reality theme, most commonly characterized as a lie versus the truth, to intensify increasing tension between characters while simultaneously, including and further engaging his audience by becoming close to the character whose thoughts are most prevalent. This theme is demonstrated in As You Like It, Richard III, and Hamlet, where the audience is in the know about the deceptions, disguises and lies while other characters are oblivious, creating dramatic irony. The theme additionally allows Shakespeare to display different sides of his characters, letting the audience differentiate the character’s thoughts from what is said. In both Richard III and Hamlet the theme is used as an example/lesson …show more content…

Dramatic irony is successfully used in act one, scene five when the ghost discloses he was poisoned by Claudius, increasing tension between the characters while simultaneously engaging the audience, because now only Hamlet and the audience know who murdered Hamlet's father. After this discovery, the audience sides with Hamlet and begins to hate Claudius alongside, in turn opening up Hamlet’s thoughts to the audience displaying a different side of Hamlet’s character.
Similarly, in Richard III dramatic irony ensues when Richard informs the audience about his disapproval with the political situation in the opening soliloquy, letting the audience in on his plan to kill his brother Clarence, increasing tension between the characters and displaying a different side of Richard. Since Richard is deceitful (appearance) to the other characters, they are left in the dark while the audience is hearing Richard’s thoughts, (reality) indirectly forcing the audience to choose Richard’s side, in turn showing the audience first hand how his deception and deceit lead straight his

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