
Comparing Serpent In The Epic Of Gilgamesh And The Bible

Decent Essays

“The Epic of Gilgamesh” is a very old poem that may even date back to “The Bible”. In both stories there is a flood that takes place and wipes out most of earth’s creation. There is a serpent that is in both stories and plays a big role that leads the characters to their downfall. Although the serpents share many similarities in the stories, they are very different. There is a clear view that the serpent is similar in both the stories. In both stories the serpents lead the main characters to their downfall. The serpents in “Genesis” got Adam and Eve strip of their immortality. The serpent in “Gilgamesh” made Gilgamesh not able to be young, when the serpent took the plant. In both stories they lost their immortality to absurdity. Although the

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