
Comparing Summer And Winter In Minnesota

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As a residents of Minnesota, you experience all four of the seasons that mother nature throws at the world, and living in Minnesota for the past ten years has allowed to you to articulate strong opinions towards the seasons, particularly winter and spring. Winter in Minnesota is quite the scene. However, the bitter cold temperatures can become unbearable at times. Spring, on the other hand, is filled with beautiful scenery that anyone can enjoy, but it gives you vicious allergies. On a lively spring morning you can hear the birds singing and the rainwater from the previous night dripping on your window. As you walk outside you could feel the sun on your skin followed by a subtle breeze in the wind. You take in the air through your nose and …show more content…

You had the best Christmas this year. Your family made their traditional mint hot chocolate and played board games every saturday night. Your neighborhood kids hate the cold so they stay in, this means a much more peaceful neighborhood. Winter also meant that mosquitoes are not biting you to death. You conclude that winter is an amazing season, however, spring has your pick. Despite your allergies and your fear of bees, you love the amazing springy aroma, the beautiful colorful flowers, and the grass on your lawn. Unlike winter you don't have to worry about shoveling, warming up your car, or paying extra on your heating bill. You love to wake up an hour early to go for a jog under the beautiful Minnesotan sunrise. You somehow find joy is watching birds fly through the beautiful clear skies. Night when the rain falls heavy are the best; you stay up all night and binge watch Netflix until you doze off under the found of rain. Even though winter is a beautiful and relaxed season, spring has a lot more to offer. Spring is the season of good vibes and relaxation. At the end, you are thankful to live in Minnesota because of the unpredictable weather. You look forward to another great spring as you lay back and enjoy your lemonade under the hot Minnesotan

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