
Comparing Susan Glaspell's Trifles And Jury Of Her Peers

Decent Essays

In many ways life is all about perspective and how we view things in life like crime, justice, and people. Which is expressed in Susan Glaspell’s texts “Trifles” and “Jury of her Peers”. In these stories you see two different perspectives to one story. While both stories have comparative traits it also had some differences. “Trifle” and “Jury of her Peers” demonstrates how justice is viewed by different point of view and characters.
In “Jury of her Peers” you get to really get inside Mrs.Hale’s thoughts. Mrs. Hale once said “I ought to go over and see Minnie”—she still thought of her as Minnie Foster though for twenty years she has been Mrs.Wright” knowing how she really felt about Mrs. Wright’s name (Jury 1). Trifles didn’t really have enough information about the characters. For Mrs.Hale when she was talking about Mrs.Wright she said “I wish I had come over to see Minnie Foster sometimes” (Trifles 718) just really miss her you wouldn’t know how she really felt about her. In Jury of her Peers he gave a better understanding when you know someone’s thoughts and feelings. …show more content…

In Trifles county Attorneys once said “ at least we found out the she was not going to quilt it” he was referring to the box with the bird in it which was the motive (Trifles). Mrs. Hale hand pressed up against her coat pocket said “we call it knot it” (Jury 15) both stories keep true to the meeting even though the point of you was different. It didn’t change the story much it just gave us insight on one of the characters mine. Doing that probably gave others a more better understanding of both

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