
Comparing The Abrahamic Religions, Judaism And Christianity

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The Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Christianity, are two of the most prominent religions in the world. Similar to the majority of the religions in terms of origin, Christianity emerged from Judaism. Thus, resulting in not only comparable aspects common to both religions but also vast differences as well.

Since one religion stemmed from the other, there are various overlaps between their values, beliefs, practices, and traditions. To begin with, like all Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Christianity are both monotheistic religions. Therefore meaning that they believe in only one God. This shared God is considered the almighty creator of everything, but is said to be an outside creation himself. However, Christian ideology expanded the monotheistic belief and created a new foundation concerning the essence of God. Despite its founding principles and the existing general beliefs regarding the classification of the religion, according to Judaic principles, Christianity is not considered to be truly monotheistic due to its belief in the Trinity. The Trinity is the doctrine that states that God possesses the form of three people, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Hence, the differing aspects in relation to monotheistic basis, instead of God existing in only one form for true monotheistic religions, he holds the capacity to appear in three manifestations in correspondence with Christian beliefs. Therefore, Judaism and Christianity share the same fundamentals yet differ in

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