
Comparing The Aztecs And Inca

Decent Essays

Two principal indigenous populations in Latin America were the Aztecs and the Incas. The Aztecs and Inca were both fully sedentary indigenous groups with a large empire and society. Each empire has played a large role in the development of Latin America with their rich history and cultures. From Mexico to South America, the legacies and treasures of these indigenous populations still live on today.
Aztec history begins with their settlement of Mexico. The Aztec rulers were a group of people called Mexicas and they spoke the common language of the region Nahuatl. The Mexicas were a warlike group of people who settled and developed the Aztec Empire throughout 1400-1500 (Chasteen 14). The Mexicas were able to conquer central Mexico and the other …show more content…

The Aztecs were skillful people enabling them to build great temples, pyramids, and monuments. They also developed chinampas, which were a type of agricultural system used in the water surrounding Tenochtitlan (Chasteen 13). Chinampas were raised fields that had high fertility for growing staple crops such as maize and beans. The Aztec’s were very religious and they had many gods to whom they honored by building temples and performing human sacrifices (Smith 5). Aztec artists created carved statutes and idols, painted pictographs, and clay pottery. Their culture also consisted of a writing system developed using pictographs (Smith …show more content…

The Incas built large earthquake safe temples and structures using a technique of interlocking stones (Chasteen 16). They were skilled architects and their most famous architecture can be seen at Machu Picchu. Their cities consisted of large temples and a great display of gold and silver. More than 14,000 miles of roads were constructed to connect the empire across the Andean mountains (Clark). Painted ceramics and gold and silver treasures were a part of their artistry. Like the Aztecs, their religious beliefs consisted in worshipping many gods, including worshipping the sun, and human sacrifice along with the belief in reincarnation (Clark). To this day, the ruins of Inca cities and communities still stand and are a testament to the exceptional engineering and talent that composed Inca culture and

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