
Comparing The Creation Stories Of Ancient Israelite Views Of God And God 's Creative Work Essay

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Compare and contrast the creation stories in Enuma Elish and in Genesis. In particular, assess what this comparative work tells us about ancient Israelite views of God and God’s creative work.

Genesis 1, the first chapter in the bible, is easily the most well known creation story to come out of the Ancient Near East. However, that does not mean that it was the only creation story to come out of that period. The Babylonian epic, the Enuma Elish was one such story. It is in essence a history of the Babylonian gods, and in particular, one god, Marduk. It was ultimately written to justify his rise to power as the head of the Babylonian pantheon of gods. This was done in order to “support Babylon’s claim to pre-eminence above all the other cities in the country” (Heidel 1963, p. 14). Despite emerging from the same period, the two texts are starkly different. The former portrays an all-powerful, transcendent, monotheistic God, while the latter describes a polytheistic hierarchy of gods who reach their ends through violence and conflict. The differences between the Enuma Elish and Genesis 1 are so vast and endless that there is no real reason to discuss about their literary dependence or mythological similarities (EOR, p. 2811). Rather, the Enuma Elish is better enlisted as a tool of comparison in order to highlight the utterly different and radical nature of the ancient Israelite religion as compared to the common religious beliefs circulating the Near East. While there are

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