Byron and Kenny have different journeys of learning, though those journeys of learning both Kenny and Byron change on the inside and outside. Byron change the most on the he deal with the conk,Wool Pooh, and the bombing. People can change on the inside and outside because of the situation they went through in their life. First, Byron is a Juvenile delinquent in middle school. Bryon is know as the school god at school. Byron wants to be a “cool kid” so he went out and got a conk a type of Mexican hair cut style. When Byron got home he knew he was going to get in trouble so he went through the back door instead of the front door. When his mom saw him she started to yell at him but she said “I let your dad deal with you when he
Byron started to change when he said “Yes ma'am” to Grandma Sands. Kenny started to change when he told Grandma Sands “He can follow directions real good, Grandma Sands, he’s not as dumb as he looks.”Byron also changed when he told Kenny not to go to Collier’s Landing even when he could have easily gone with Kenny. “I really wanted to go see where some kid drowned and now By was choosing this time to listen to what a grown-up told him”. Kenny changed when he decided to go to Collier’s Landing even though Grandma Sands warned him. “Oh, man! Collier’s Landing…”Finally, both Byron and Kenny changed in the middle, when Kenny drowned and Byron saved him and started to cry like a kindergartener baby. “... all I could do was sit there and let Daddy Cool nibble on my head like a kindergarten
Throughout time, everyone goes through changes, whether they’re big or small. Some people become a completely different person. In the story “Touching Spirit Bear” by Ben Mikaelsen, a boy named Cole changes his whole attitude towards others. Cole becomes a different person at the end of the story. Cole Matthews has a dramatic change of heart. Cole changes when he had to soak in the freezing pond, carry the ancestor rock and dance “the dance”. He also changes when he invites peter to the island, he also changes when peter accepts is apology later in the story. Everyone at sometime in their life will change.
Byron told Kenny and Joetta about frozen up southern folks. They believed him. Kenny was sarcastic. On page 69 Kenny said, ‘’Ooh, Byron, you better get out of here’’ because Momma was going to burn Byron.
One of these differences is that Kenny is smart and Byron is not so smart. Kenny shows this trait when he reads to other classes higher than him even though he is in 2nd grade. Byron shows his trait when he doesn’t do as well as Kenny and he just happens to be in the same 5th grade class that Kenny was reading to. One of the other differences is that Kenny is mature and Byron is immature. Kenny shows that trait by not doing stuff he shouldn’t be doing and doing the right thing, but Byron does stuff he shouldn’t be doing like dying his hair red and getting a conk. And he sometimes disobeys his parents’ orders and talks back to them. There are some other differences that Byron and Kenny
In the beginning, Byron and Kenny were like normal Brothers where they sometimes get along, sometimes not. The text says, “Then he made his eyes go crossed, which is his favorite way of teasing me, but I didn't care, because I knew who had one this time!” Byron making his eyes go crossed, but Kenny not caring shows the Byron does it a lot and Kenny is not affected. The text says, “Ooh, Byron you better get out of here, go down to Buphead's until Dad gets home, he's probably going to whip you, but Momma’s really gonna burn you!” This shows that Kenny even though Byron picked on him a lot still cares about his brother and wants him to escape.
In the beginning of the movie, the family is sitting in the livingroom, bundled together because of the cold weather in Michigan. Byron has an attitude and he is sitting in the love seat by himself, kind of far off from the family. The father and mother tells Byron
One of Kenny new traits are not that good Kenny is not respectful because he made a bad joke on Byron and grandma sands was right there. Byron is respectful because he greets everybody good and does whatever he’s ask to do. Kenny is not behaved because he went into the wool pooh when there were to sign saying six people died don’t go in the lake and he did any way. Byron is behaving because he listens to the sign and he listen to his mom and he tells Kenny not to go. Kenny new trait was a negative because first he was good and behaves and now he is the total opposite of what he was in flint. It was a positive for Byron and he listen when he did not listen in flint now he is respectful think the future is good for them because Byron will stay the same when he goes back to flint and Kenny will go back to normal. I think that Byron and Kenny will get along better because they have the same
Later, on page 69, he remarked, “that was then, and this is now”. This clearly shows that Bryon is a dynamic character because he changes from a kid always messing around and possibly doing illegal things, to a more mature kid who isn’t like that youngster he used to be. Furthermore, Bryon also remarks, on page 107, “ ‘I got a job in the supermarket and I did a pretty good job changing my attitude’ ”. This shows that Bryon is a dynamic character, not only because he changed his attitude, which he clearly states in the quote, but also because he moved on from hustling to make money, after the texan’s incident, to getting a job and working to earn money This shows a huge change on his part because in the beginning of the novel he would always earn money dishonestly; he and Mark would usually hustle pool at their friend Charlie’s bar. Additionally, in the first few chapters of the novel, Byron calls himself a lady killer, but on page 125, he states, “I was getting more and more serious about
His changes seem to begin after he gets in trouble (which happened a lot) being the “god of the school” and an official juvenile delinquent . One example of a mental change was when Byron used a match to ignite a fire. That was the last straw. As a result of this incident his family took him to his Grandma Sands until he started to behave. However, the fight was over before it even started. Byron instantly begain to behave and his family stayed with him . He started acting well mannered saying “please , thank you , no thank you,” and tuned into people’s conversations and acted engrossed. You can start to see Byron change when he did not follow Kenny to the part of the lake where they were not trespass to go. Finally, when Joey's church got bombed, you can see a complete character change in Byron by the way he responded with worry and sorrow about his sister who luckily was not there. then Instead of picking on Kenny when he got upset about what happened in Birmingham, Byron stuck with him and comforted him. This was a colossal change from the beginning of the book when he would have just left his little brother to
The turning point occurs when Byron is told by his parents that “Grandma Sands is going to keep Byron for the summer and if things don’t work out he’ll stay there for the next school year” (Curtis 118), which results in a chain of events that cause Byron to change for the better. Byron’s change can be seen when he states “Huh, ma’am” (Curtis 160), which is the first time Byron showed respect to an adult figure. This simple action begins a domino effect of a better Byron’s in attitude and actions. As Byron is in Birmingham he makes small progress over time, his first major step is when Byron and Kenny are told not to swim at Collier’s Landing and Byron says “If Kenny wants to take his stupid little behind down there and get snatched, let him.”
In the cay Timothy is trying to get Phillip to make some blankets out of leaves, he says over then under, but Phillip yells at him saying "I tell you, I can't see!" Then Timothy slapped some sense into him and he helped. Timothy felt like he was doing all the work until Phillip started working,
behavior. There are three reasons byron changed in this book starting fires,got a conk,and saving kenny from drowning.
These two stories remind me of this quote “Don’t change just to please someone else.” as stated by Tiny Buddha. This quote reminds me of these two stories because in both of the stories the main character changes himself to make his peers happy.
you doing? " Ron replies " The Bus is going to come by 6:30 AM, so I got
Kenny has respected Byron as a big brother, while Byron tends to bully his weak and frail brother. Byron’s opinion has come to respect Kenny and even stand up for him every now and then. Throughout the story, Kenny and Byron tend to be off and on in terms of how they feel. However, this sets the story as Kenny's relationships with those around him gives him his character. 4)Byron and Kenny have shown their different feelings toward each other throughout the story.