
Comparing The Qualities Of A Good Leader In Shakespeare's Henry V '

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In Henry V, Shakespeare exemplifies the qualities of a good leader. Throughout the play, Henry has several moments of leading his people and making not-so-simple decisions. However, at times, Henry makes decisions that can only result in questions of his morality. It is through these moments, that Shakespeare illuminates the idea that being a good king does not inherently mean being a good person, that sometimes, a king must sacrifice parts of himself to adequately lead his people. Throughout the play, Shakespeare takes on the challenge of centering a work on a character who has already “grown”. In this play, Henry struggles underneath the weight of his crown and the burden of his past as he tries to take the French throne, which he believes is his birthright. Henry steps into his place as King with others questioning his leadership, especially because of his past reputation of being a …show more content…

Despite Williams unknowingly bad-mouthing the king to his face, he is not harmed. Not only that, but Henry also puts the glove in Fluellen’s cap so that Williams will challenge him. He even tells Fluellen that whoever is wearing a glove in his cap “is a friend to Alençon and an/ enemy to our person” (Henry 4.7.164-165). It is all just a game really, just some harmless tricks. Though, this sharply contrasts merciless warrior that has been displayed for most of the play. This Henry is merciful, even Fluellen believed that Williams should be put to death. Henry was so quick to order the execution of his old friend, but he lets Willams go, even though he had every reason to kill him. Williams even blames Henry for what happened, claiming that Henry had been dishonest in disguising himself. Not only has he disrespected the king, but he also says that it is the king’s own fault. Despite this, Henry does not kill Williams, he is not cruel to him. He is merciful in this instant, despite him having no reason to

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