
Comparing Winter's Bone And The Color Purple

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Both novels, Winter’s Bone, by Daniel Woodrell, and The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, do a great job of depicting strong female characters. Ree Dolly, from Winter’s Bone, and Celie, from The Color Purple, although characters from totally different novels, have many similarities. Both were raised in very patriarchal societies. This means the males were highly dominant over the females. Women are supposed to be completely subservient to their male counterparts. “When a woman marry she s’pose to keep a decent house and a clean family.” (Walker 12). Ree was raised in southern Missouri and Celie is raised in rural Georgia. Both Ree and Celie are abused both mentally and physically throughout the novels. Ree is highly discouraged while looking for her father. Every …show more content…

Ree also takes quite a beating for being too nosy. “ The other woman closed in with boots to the snins while more heavy whacks landed and Ree felt her joints unglue, become loose…” (Woodrell 130). Celie is repeatedly raped by her father until she is passed off to Mr.__. Mr.__ is extremely hard headed and blunt. He tells Celie exactly what is on his mind no matter how harsh. “Wives is like children. You have to let 'em know who got the upper hand. Nothing can do that better than a good sound beating.” (Walker 20). There are a couple times throughout the novel that Celie considers killing Mr.__ because of his extreme harsh treatment. Both women have had to pave their own way throughout the novel. Ree spends the entire novel looking for her father so her family won't have to give up their property and house. Her mother is mentally checked out so she takes a large leadership role in her house. She cooks,

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