
Comparing Wuthering Heights By Ben Hecht And Charles Mc. Arthur

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First published in 1874, Wuthering Heights is an enduring gothic romance filled with intrigue and terror. It is set in the northern England countryside, where the weather fluctuates in sudden extremes and were bogs can open underfoot of unsuspecting night venturers. Wuthering Heights (written Ben Hecht and Charles Mc. Arthur and filmed by William Wyler in 1939) The ending had some differences in the presentation of how the events happened because the screenplay/film must come to an end ( unless a sequel will follow), it stops with Heathcliff’s death, but the novel continues to show how Heathcliff and Cathy affected the next generation of Lintons and Eanshaws. Also, Heathcliffs demise its quite difference.In the screen play, Lockwood sees the

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