
Comparing the Use of Images in The Other Wife and The Story of an Hour

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Comparing the Use of Images in The Other Wife and The Story of an Hour

The Other Wife and The Story of an Hour are two short stories both seemingly similar and contrasting in different ways. In Chopin’s story we see that Louise Mallard reveals her ironically natural feeling of joy and freedom following the news of her husband’s death. Louise’s sensation of freedom is conveyed through the use of vivid natural images and color. While in Colette’s story the two female protagonists contrastingly suffer from repression while the other practices freedom and liberty. These contrasting feelings are conveyed by the usage of various color images. Both Chopin and Colette address the theme of freedom and liberty from male control through …show more content…

Additionally, Chopin’s use of auditory images such as peddlers ‘crying his wares’ and people singing down in the streets portrays Louise’s feeling of freedom and her awakening of a realization. The writer’s utilization of careless sounds gives a sense of life and a sound of liberty. The ‘monstrous joy’ Louise is feeling in her reflects and reveals what a difficult and unpleasant life she had been experiencing. Similarly, in The Other Wife Colette’s exploitation of natural images gives a sense of freedom from male control. Like Chopin, the window is used as an important symbol which represents the idea of freedom and a fresh start, as well as a stirring of new feelings. The story begins where Alice is forced and dragged away from where she wants to have lunch. Marc physically forces her away from the window where they would have a view of the beautiful bay. Looking at a deeper level, the force of male control literally drags Alice away from the tranquility and freedom of the bay. She is taken away from the window, which is another source of freedom. On the other hand, we are able to notice
Marc’s wife who is relaxed sitting by the bay. After her divorce with
Marc she has the freedom without any male controlling her own actions.
The image of wind represents careless freedom; the way in which Marc’s ex-wife is laid back and

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