
Comparison Between 1984 By Andrew Stanton

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In a world where humanity may have gone too far, there are two different paths that can be taken. People can rectify their mistakes and restore society to what it was, or fail miserably and doom future generation sending everyone into a perpetuating spiral of despair. The film Wall-e by Andrew stanton is an example of the first, and 1984 by George Orwell one of the latter. In both of these pieces we see people and their lifestyles changing to benefit the government, substance abuse and poor health becoming normalized and promoted by the governing bodies, and language evolution to guide the direction of the social climate for better control over the people. When dealing with a large population that you need heavy control over them, managing …show more content…

Health conscious decisions are not exactly promoted, and societal norms don’t do anything to assist that. Public health is a center of attention. Negative habits are promoted and sponsored by the government. Addiction is a powerful tool that many modern governments try to combat, but examples we see in the literature is far from that. In 1984 smoking and drinking is normalized and promoted. We see examples of this on pg 275 “The first time he tried to smoke, it made him sick, but he persevered, and spun the pack out for a long time, smoking half a cigarettes after each meal.” We now know that Winston does not necessarily enjoy smoking, but it’s such a large part of his lifestyle that he doesn’t care if it’s disgusting, he still does it because that’s just what they do. Soon after he’s back to his addiction. On pg 288 we also see his alcoholism return “... seeing that Winston's glass was empty he brought the gin bottle and he filled it. They knew his habits.” This is nothing new to the pub employees. He comes here and drinks his life away. No concern for anything, thoughtless as the rest of the population. When sobriety is not expected of anyone then it frees people to do as they please. With these addictions everyone’s barren minds can only focus on few things, their addiction taking priority. In the Wall-e everyone is hazardously overweight, with food options such as “cupcake in a cup” for an everyday meal. The consumers don’t know what’s in the food, decisions out of their reach. The generation on the ship when the Wall-e is there have never eaten a vegetable in their lives, even the captain of the ship has never heard of the word plant before. The corpulent passengers also are probably addicted to the food they graze on serves a similar purpose to the cigarettes and alcohol in 1984. It keeps them sedated and under control. In the film, we don’t know what’s in the food and neither

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