
Comparison Between 'Thirteen Reasons Why And A Painted House'

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In both of the books, “Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher” and “A Painted House by John Grisham” there were one or more characters who portrayed signs of underachievement and became reconciled with obstacles throughout the book. In A Painted House, the readers are introduced to a very young man by the name of Luke Chandler, the protagonist in this story. Until that fall of 1952, Luke Chandler had never told a single lie or kept a single secret. During the book we are shown time and time again where Luke encounters things where he could potentially devastate lives and change his families and towns fortune forever if he were to ever speak about them. The Chandlers farm eighty acres of cotton that they rent, and when the cotton is ready they hire an abundance of Mexicans with an terrifying looking individual called “Cowboy” and also a family from the Ozarks also referred to as “hill people” that included a teenage girl, her …show more content…

Courtney Crimson, started rumors that Hannah had sex toys in her bedroom. 6. After getting matched up with Hannah through a Valentine's Day survey, Marcus tried to make a move on her in a booth at Rosie's Diner. So, she had to push him out of the booth and onto the floor to get him to stop. 7. Zach stole the notes of encouragement left for Hannah by classmates in one of her classes. 8. Ryan Shaver stealing a very personal poem of Hannah's and published it as his, (a person she trusted wholeheartedly). (9) The ninth tape involved Clay and assured him that he had nothing to do with Hannah's suicide. He was actually really good to Hannah; he even confessed his feelings to her and they kissed. 10. Justin Foley, who was featured on the first tape, allowed Bryce Walker to have sex with Jessica while she was unresponsive. 11. After a party, Jenny Kurtz offered Hannah a ride home, but knocked down a stop sign with her car. Jenny refused to report the incident to authorities, and shortly after, there was an accident at the stop

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