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How to spend a weekend in Vail, Co. Vail, Co is an amazing little village mainly known for its great snow and amazing mountains that form a king paradise for anyone that loves to practice this sport. The whole architecture of the village can resemble Strasbourg in France or somewhere in the middle of Germany. The town is full of restaurants that vary from all kinds of cuisines around the world, willing to please even the hardest pallets. No matter what time of the year you go, everywhere you look around they are families with their children playing around in the different parks and play area set around. Friends catching up drinking beer and lovers walking along the river. If you are worried about where you are going to stay, Vail offers …show more content…

Dogs just walk around with their owners enjoying the weather and running up in to the mountains for their afternoon walk. It is hard to believe you are in the United States, especially because of its european architecture. Honestly this little village is simply beautiful and perfect. We strolled around remembering all those wonderful memories we had of the place, while becoming more and more attached to Vail itself. After a while we went for an amazing lunch, and continued walking afterwards. It is hard to admire the amazing parks you can find here, but in the light of summer, they were just incredible. Trees tall as the clouds, with little wooden bridges crossing the river over and over. Here you can find concerts, weddings, friends gatherings and more. If you have small children it is just the place to take them to run around and enjoy the pleasures of being out. After walking around the entire town from east to west, and north to south we decided to go to the “Solaris” area, once there we sat down with a bottle of water and enjoy seeing the sunset from the village. One of Vail's highlights for me has always been the fondue restaurant in the Sonnenalp Hotel. It is simply delicious, the cheese has just the right texture and flavors that combined with bread and a good wine makes you feel as if you were in heaven. Every time we go to Vail we try to save up some money, so we can enjoy this mouth-watering fondue, of course,

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