
Comparison Of 1824: Candidate Andrew Jackson

Decent Essays

In the United States, the election of 1824 holds a strong significant title as the most important election in American History. Around this time in America, it was easier for the common man to gain voting rights despite lack of land or being in the elite class. Due to the uprising of the press, candidates were then able to appeal to the common man and to ensure more versatile voters. Candidate Andrew Jackson used his experience in the military and his understanding of the “common man” to attract voters unlike John Q. Adams, winner of the 1824 election. In Jackson’s presidency, he successfully upheld his promise to fulfill the political and economic needs and wants of the average American citizen by limiting governmental powers and enhancing white settlement.
Jackson solely believed that the …show more content…

In 1830 Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act. The Indian Removal Act, also known as the Trail of Tears, gave the power to forcefully remove Indians from their land east of the Mississippi river to the west of the Mississippi. Though Jackson is now hated for this Act, in the 1830s it was seen the most necessary thing to do. In document 41 Jackson states, “It will separate the Indians from immediate contact with settlements of whites…” To average Americans, mostly white men, Indians took up the space needed to settle and stood in the way of American progress. It is obvious that the Mississippi River was beneficial to anyone who was looking for settlement for the purpose of transportation, trade, farming, etc,. With that being said, Jackson and other White settlers thought that it was necessary to gain ownership of the Indians’ land one way or another. For this reason, Jackson was someone who kept his word and was all for the common man. Citizens loved the fact that Jackson was able to take control and relate to the former president, George

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