
Comparison Of Braised Pork Belly

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Braised Pork (“Hong Shao Rou”) is one of the most popular dishes from China, cooked using pork belly and a combination of spring onions, ginger, dry red chili, sugar, soy sauce, rice wine.Using cornstarch and sugar to thicken the sauce, which is sweet and fairly sticky. Also, using star anise and a bay leaf to enrich the flavor. Braised pork belly easily melts in the mouth. According to the original recipe of Braised pork, the total calories is 855, total fat is 70g, carbohydrate is 39.7g, only 1.5g of protein, and the total sodium is 2435mg. The 100g pork belly have the highest calories, both of the soy sauce and salt have high sodium. In order to have a healthy recipe, I take off 1 tablespoon cornstarch, use the pork shoulder and 4g less

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