
Comparison Of Harry Potter And The Socerer's Stone

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People talk about the “Final battle between Good and Evil.” But it is not so much a battle, as a choice - one that we are making right now. Human nature if far more complex than this. People can have both good and bad qualities. There is no specific classification in the case of Good and Bad for humans. Thus, our perceptions are our conflict as the classification between good and evil is only a reflection of conflict within people.

Furthermore, it is also mentioned by Rowling, J.K. in “Harry Potter and the Socerer’s Stone” that “There is no Good or Evil. There is only power and those too weak to seek it.” If good people are subjected to degraded values within the group, even the best person can become subject to committing the worst acts. The real difference between ‘good and evil’ and the traditional concept is that empathy or a lack of empathy aren’t fixed. Although people with a psychopathic personality appear to be unable to develop empathy, for most of the people, empathy - or goodness - is a quality that can be cultivated. …show more content…

As per IT’s perspective, he was doing good for the society. But, he wasn’t doing any good. Therefore, being on the ‘Good or Evil’ side is just just a conflict within IT in this case. Moreover, in the novel “Wonder” by Palacio, R.J., August is a child having medical issues due to which Julian bullied him. But, towards the end of the novel, Julian confesses that he was not doing right and apologises for his mistakes. This point leads to the fact that people can have both good and bad qualities, there is no specific categorisation for the

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