
Competency Statement Specific Purpose

Decent Essays

(Competency 1: Chooses and narrows a topic appropriately for the audience and occasion) Listening to my presentation it became aware to myself that I was pretty narrowed down and on topic, with the topic, I chose to speak about. I threw out a question to get the audience’s attention to get them involved. When I said that rhetorical type of question I needed the audience to get a mindset of what my presentation would be about instead of getting into a blank mindset. I made sure that the introduction seemed interesting if you wanted to succeed in the real world of business. In this Category, I gave myself a 5 for the involvement of the audience and the approach to the listeners. (Competency 2: Communicates the thesis/specific purpose appropriately for audience & occasion) In this category, I gave myself a 4.5. I feel like I could’ve given a few more strong points that backed up what it takes to be successful. I feel like this part of the presentation was a little dry and I could’ve spiced it up to keep the attention of the audience. Talking about the Measurement Profits for success in a business setting is important but sometimes can get lengthy. I felt like I had a lot of information but could have laid it out better within the speech to have my audience on board and engaged in listening. Another …show more content…

But I could have better assured the audience with my information if I gave more eye contact along with relating examples they could relate to get them engaged. I was mostly looking at my paper and making sure I got every important detail I could’ve given to better explain my topic. I felt myself getting nervous when I look up and see that people are staring at me it gives me a feeling that my information isn’t clear. I should look past that and be more confident when I consider the crowd. In this category, I gave myself a

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