
Complementary And Alternative Medicine ( Cam )

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Abstract: Although allopathic medicine or termed Western medicine is more widely accepted than complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) it has only started to emerge since the 1800s. Complementary and alternative modalities have been around for thousands of years, and for some can be found on cave drawings. As allopathic medicine has different modalities, so does complementary and alternative medicine such as: acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, aromatherapy and massage to name a few. Not all of CAM modalities are accepted in allopathic medicine, therefore are not integrated into the services. However, as more evidence-based research is conducted more of the CAM modalities are being shown to be helpful and aid in many …show more content…

Complementary medicine is one that is “non-mainstream”, but can be “used together with conventional medicine” (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2016). On the other hand, alternative medicine, also non-mainstream, is used instead “of conventional medicine” (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2016). There are many different approaches to using conventional and complementary and alternative medicine together, creating an integrative effect.
Per the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (2016) “most complementary health approaches fall into one of two subgroups-natural products or mind and body practices”. Natural products such as herbs, minerals, and dietary aids can pose a risk to persons using them with conventional medicine. Natural products that are taken as dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, and must be deemed safe by the firm that is marketing it (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2016). Complementary and alternative medicine can include-acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, aromatherapy, naturopathy, chiropractic, massage, yoga, and meditation.
In acupuncture a thin needle is placed in acupoints on the body with the idea that the body the yin and the needle is the yang, the opposites of one another. The body is a “soft, organic, expansive, and complex” housing of the yin (Micozzi, 2015, p. 508). However, a needle, as the yang, is

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