
Compliance 360 Compliance

Decent Essays

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to review the factual content of and critically reflect upon the legal compliance considerations of eight major areas including, the Joint Commission, HIPAA/HITECH, Health Finances, Revenue Cycles, Medicare Recovery Audit Contractors, OIG work plan, OIG Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA), the False Claims Act, and compliance and Provider Self Disclosure Protocol. These key elements have been provided by the GRC software Compliance 360 webpage.
Joint Commission Accreditation Compliance 360 has identified a number of areas which it can augment healthcare organizations to improve the audit process for Joint Commission audits. The program intuitively links contractors to regulations as evidence of compliance and monitors risk trends to …show more content…

Compliance 360 also assists in HITECH compliance by providing automated assessments and responses to electronic health information (SAI Global, 2018). This program appears to provide sufficient safeguards for HIPAA and HITECH compliance; it strives to create alerts and audits without becoming overly intrusive in hospital actions. Compliance 360 merely acts as an additional unbiased oversight system, when dealing with patient information.
Health Finance & Revenue Cycles Many health care organizations have issues keeping track of contracts and as a result lose control of monetary outflow. Compliance 360 mitigates this loss of control through the maintenance of contracts through a central portal (SAI Global, 2018). For money managers, this feature is incredibly valuable and allows the organization to control spending through reductions in redundant services.
Medicare Recovery Audit

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