
Complications Of The Sweet Potato

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AG - The sweet potato led to the death of well over a million people. Now, the sweet potato did not directly kill all these people, but it did contribute to those deaths. On the other hand, the sweet potato also saved many lives for the Chinese population. The sweet potato among other new world crops were over monocropped. This meant that they were singularly planted, this drained the nutrients from the soil. The sweet potato was the most popular crop coming from the New World because corn competed with rice. The sweet could be planted almost anywhere. It also led to deforestation. The problem is significant because the deforestation made the floods even more popular. Which caused hundreds of floods. The floods led to the death of millions of people. When the floods occurred they took away crops, soil, and nutrients in the soil. The best solution is to stop monocropping and plant a diverse amount of crops in the area each year. Another great solution is to continue planting more trees.
1 The introduction of the sweet potato had effects on the Chinese environment. 2 The sweet potato was introduced to China from the Philippines by ships that were crossing the Atlantic, around the 1580s. The sweet potato likely came from the Central or South Americas. It was also monocropped by the Chinese. The sweet potato came to China in a very important time. At the time, China had a fourth of the world’s population. They needed to feed these people on a twelfth of the world’s farmable

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