
Comprehensive Plan to Improve Human Resources Essay

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Whole Foods Market
Comprehensive Plan to Improve the Quality of Selected Human Resource Management Practices

Table of Contents Whole Foods Market: Introduction 4 Whole Foods Market: The Organization 4 Whole Foods Market: Challenges and Opportunities 5 Whole Foods Market: Human Resource Management Strategies 6 Whole Foods Market: Recommended Strategies for Improvement 8 Whole Foods Market: Plan Evaluation and Measurements 10 Whole Foods Market: Conclusion 10 References 11

(Retrieved from Whole Foods Market website at

Whole Foods Market: Introduction Whole Foods Market- a company that doesn’t think of itself as a company, but as a community …show more content…

This year, 2010, the company’s business model includes continued focus on vital areas of the company by focusing in on purchasing with regards to the business while creating more worth for the consumer regarding pricing (Whole Foods Market, n.d). In the letter to the stakeholders (2009), Mackey, CEO desires to stay focused on dropping operating cost without harming the customer experience. Additionally, he states that as an organization they are committed to being better custodians of capital and producing free cash flow on a yearly basis. In the future, Mackey foresees new smaller stores that are less expensive, and an increase return on invested capital.
A recent 2009 SWOT Analysis of the organization from Datamonitor (2009) listed some additional opportunities such as the recent strategic acquisitions that helped in strengthening their market position. These acquisitions also help the organization to expand its operations in the natural and organic foods markets as well as increase its client base and the number of product categories. One acquisition in particular is the merge with Wild Oats Market in 2007. Other opportunities recorded by Datamonitor (2009) include the growing demand for private label products. Recent economic conditions have warranted companies to offer less expensive private label products as an alternative to the customers’ needs.
Whole Foods Market: Human Resource Management

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