Computer Crimes
Computer crimes are on the rise 1 in 10 Americans experience some form of a malicious attack on their computer system. If you pay attention to the rest of this speech you will understand how a Hackers mind works and how to defend yourself from them. In this speech I will tell you why and how people break into computers, what sorts of trouble they cause, and what kind of punishment lie ahead for them if caught.
Hackers and Crackers break into computer systems for any of a wide variety of reasons. Many groups break into computers for capital gain while still others do it as a means to pass time at work or at school. For most it's a thrill to figure out how to break into a computer. Most people never have any
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Another way that Hackers cause trouble is by altering the telephone switching networks at MCI, AT&T, and Sprint. By doing this they are able to listen to any conversation they choose. Often-times they will listen in on the Police and
FBI communicating with each-other. This allows them to move to a new location before they are found. Some Hackers use their knowledge of the telephone system to turn their enemies home telephone into a virtual pay-phone that asks for quarters whenever you take the phone off the hook.
A person to commits a computer crime in caught will very likely face a substantial punishment. Often these types of criminals are never caught unless they really screw up. The most wanted Hacker Kevin Mitinick was tracked down and arrested after he broke into a computer that belonged to a Japanese security professional. After this man noticed that someone had gotten into his computer he dedicated the rest of his life to tracking down this one man. Kevin was able to say one step ahead of police for some time but the fatal mistake that he made was leaving a voice-mail message on a computer bragging about the fact that he thought he was unstoppable. When he was arrested he faced a 250,000 dollar fine, 900 hours community service, and a 10 year jail sentence. Many schools and small businesses still don't have a clue about how to deal with computer crimes and the like whenever they happen to strike.
In conclusion hopefully you now
recommendations given to him by so many wonderful people. He also kept believing that he
2. Second, I will show you all how a hacker gets into a victim’s computer.
The only thing better than gaining access to a system and keeping it is the ability to do it covertly or without anyone knowing what you did. In speaking with covert officers from the CIA who break into many kinds of locks and security, I found that lock picking is not the preferred method because you have to pick the lock open and then pick the lock closed again. Their mission is to work covertly and if someone knows they were there, it is a failed mission. According to the CEH prep exam book, “Hackers are much like other criminals in that they would like to be sure to remove all evidence of their activities. This might include using rootkits or other tools to cover their tracks. Other hackers might hunt down log files and attempt to alter or erase them” (Gregg, 2006). Covering tracks is maintaining a security awareness by sniffing internal systems for new counter measures could be an ongoing process to stay ahead of security.
They do it to pass time and I think it helps them cope with what they are doing.
Essi Viding, a professor in the psychology and language sciences department of University College London, who was not involved in
According to Rachel Boba, “Crime analysis is a law enforcement function that involves systematic analysis for identifying and analyzing patterns and trends in crime and disorder” ( analysis).The information on these patterns can assist law enforcement agencies in the deployment of resources in a more effective manner; it can also help detectives to identify and catch suspects. Crime analysis also plays a role in improvising solutions to crime problems, and developing crime prevention strategies. There are various types of technology that is used in crime analysis. Crime analysis relies heavily on computer technology, and over the past fifteen years there has been a significant improvement in computer hardware and
Cyber Crime is described as criminal activity committed via use of electronic communications with respect to cyber fraud or identity theft through phishing and spoofing. There are many other forms of cyber-crime also such as harassment, pornography etc. via use of information technology.
In simple terms, computer or digital forensic evidence analysis is the scientific collection of data that is either retrieved or held by a computer storage device that can be used against a criminal in a court of law. For the information to be used in court it should be collected before it is presentation; therefore, there are a number of recommendations proposed to make sure that information collected meets the intended integrity.
"Hackers", on the other hand probably view the system more abstractly, as a resource waiting to be used at the end of a telephone line, a challenge beckoning them, calling to them irresistibly, whispering to them, "There will be no damage done and no one will be the wiser."
The purpose of this paper is to touch on the issue of Hacking. It will go into detail about the history, evolution, future and prevention of Hacking. In addition, this paper will discuss different types of hackers and their motivation behind hacking. This paper examines the major impact caused by malicious hackers and give modern examples of such attacks. To conclude, it will predict how hacking will be in the near future and give the precautionary measures Information Security professionals can take to mitigate the risk of being victimized.
Linton (2011, p.44) stated that hacking of network of common users and attacking their personal computers is one of the most threatening problems at present. It is happening in every second that results in a loss in several ways like loss of credentials, personal information etcetera. Although the use of personal computers and the internet has been increased rapidly, numbers of users who are the expert and have good knowledge to tackle the matters are very rare. In addition, time, as well as required equipment to protect hacking, is also very.
law is law that has been built up over the years by decisions of the
Safety of information is the most valuable asset in any organization particular those who provide financial service to others. Threats can come from a variety of sources such as human threats, natural disasters and technical threats. By identifying the potential threats to the network, security measure can be taken to combat these threats, eliminate them or reduce the likelihood and impact if they should occur.
In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600’s, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types forms.
The fight against hackers and cyber crime is a global problem and nationally and internationally, the threats they caused have been recognized and acknowledged.