
Computer Interaction Has Changed Within The Economy

Good Essays

Within recent years human computer interaction has changed within the economy I will discuss three factors which interlink with this. These are increased automation, productivity and varied working environments.
Increased automation

o Bank

Firstly you have increased automation within a banking environment you now have three main ways of banking. 1. Online 2. Telephone Banking 3. Branch most major banks have introduced productive ways of banking to suit economy. Know two individuals bank the same everyone likes something different you will find that generation will fuel the channel in which and individual will decide to bank.
By introducing online and telephone banking economy have no necessary need to go into their local branch and due …show more content…

This is a prime example of how changes within the economy are effecting those who work for the banks and also customers of the bank.
It could be argued that making changes can help economy as more avenues have been introduced giving customers more choice. This allows for any customer who works antisocial hours take control of their banking, it allows for every customer to be treated fairly as everyone has the same opportunities with their banking. For example savings account online normally have a higher interest rate to those offered in branch these accounts are optional for every customer however you need to bank online to manage the account therefore you automatically introducing yourself to a new avenue of banking.
It could be argued that making changes is harming the economy as manual labour is taking a cut therefore more individuals are unemployed. More unemployment puts a strain on the government this would then be costing the government.

Increased automation

o retail (Inc. stock levels/reordering)

Within the retail environment there has also been many changes which have had a knock on effect with the economy. The two many factors which need to be consider would be stock levels and reordering of stock.
So for reordering stock and checking stock levels you can invest in an accounting software which will check your stock levels on a regular bases allowing for less labouring staff to be

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